Ode to Magnolia


Recently , I invested in a gemmotherapy oracle deck of cards created by my teacher . I’ve never previously worked with decks or any sort of tool for divination . Though these spoke to me through the artwork and tactile quality of having cards , plants and art in hands . Being able to see the details in the fruits , the robust berries in their vibrant shades or the fine textures and subtle patterns of leaves . To feel the essence of the plants through their imagery is very grounding for me .

I pulled two cards , magnolia was first on my left and the second was oak placed on my right . I am being introduced to greater distinction between my right and left sides , their needs , and language. I had spent the previous two weeks feeling the quality of endurance , but with some numbness . Longing and desiring for space to pause , feel , release .
Walking to the train that evening on a very windy night after a very long day , I was hit in the head on my left side with something flying in the air . It hurt a lot , and I felt a residual reverberation inside … shaken but no tears . When arriving at home , an organic movement towards the oak and magnolia extracts , I took one drop of each . Within seconds I broke down in tears , sat in the quiet and released . I very much needed this support and internal movement .

A few days later after a gemmotherapy class on winter materia medica and the gates of the heart we spoke about the extract hazel . Hazel can be a gentle support while meeting your heart (s) gates as it has the ability to soothe and soften , resolving inflammation in the connective tissues as they lose elasticity. It can improve our breathing patterns , inhale and exhale with greater ease . Micro doses can have a sweet and calming effect on fears and worry . We spoke of potential pairing of other extracts with hazel to support the meeting of a heart gate . Magnolia again came to my heart , and decided to try them together . I felt the softest and most tender grief emerge , held in the gentlest of ways as I felt safe to open to a gate .